See it: Rare albino deer found in Wisconsin
The mother and father of famous Olympic speed skater Jordan Stolz will be mounting the deer.
FILE: Deer stuck on thin ice rescued by firefighters who crawled across frozen lake
New video shows two firefighters braving the ice to reach the deer, as it struggles to escape a frozen Pike Lake in eastern Minnesota on Monday. (Courtesy: City of Prior Lake / LOCAL NEWS X /TMX)
WASHINGTON COUNTY, Wis. - It’s not uncommon to see roadkill in southeastern Wisconsin, but a dead deer a man recently discovered in Washington County was anything but common.
Chucker Dreher said when he’s not hunting, he’s picking up roadkill.
"I have been hunting around here for about 54, 55 years," Dreher said. "Don’t like letting them go to waste."

Albino deer.
(FOX6 News / FOX6 News)
It’s something Dreher said he’s been doing since he learned to drive. So when his friend called him recently about a deer on the side of Highway 28, he wanted to go check it out.
"He sent me a picture of a white deer, and my buddy I worked with said, ‘No. He painted it. Sure enough, I found it," he said. "She was white, no paint."
It was an incredibly rare albino deer.
"She’s a special one for Washington County, first one that I’ve ever seen in our county that’s totally albino," Dreher said.
Dreher said the deer was also pregnant with twins. He said it was something he never expected to see.
"I’ve been out in the woods, and doing everything for a long time, and I’ve never seen one," he said.

Chucker Dreher.
(FOX6 News / FOX6 News)
He later got in touch with the driver who hit her.
"She said, ‘All of the sudden – there it was!’ That’s why she thought it was a ghost," he said.
Now Dreher is taking the "ghost" of the forest.
"It’s going to the taxidermist," he said.
The mother and father of famous Olympic speed skater Jordan Stolz will be mounting the deer.
"On something like that, that’s priceless," Dreher said. "For me to be able to save it for her."