Watch: Florida dolphin tosses around fish before eating it

Tossing around fish is not unusual for dolphin. They could be sizing up thier pray, stunning it, practicing hunting or just having fun according to Adventures in Paradise.

SANIBEL ISLAND, Fla. Florida boaters spotted a dolphin tossing an eight-pound fish recently off the coast of Southwest Florida

Adventures in Paradise Cruises and Crew posted the video on Facebook

They said the dolphin was tossing around an 8- to 10-pound jack. This happened during one of the company's afternoon tours.

According to the company, dolphins are known to throw around fish for many different reasons. 


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"Bottlenose Dolphin are known for 'playing' with their food before finally consuming, this allows them to size up there prey and ensure it can be eaten!" posted Adventures in Paradise Cruises on social media. (Adventures in Paradise and Liz Schweitzer )

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"Bottlenose Dolphin are known for 'playing' with their food before finally consuming, this allows them to size up there prey and ensure it can be eaten!" posted Adventures in Paradise Cruises on social media. (Adventures in Paradise and Liz Schweitzer )

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"Bottlenose Dolphin are known for 'playing' with their food before finally consuming, this allows them to size up there prey and ensure it can be eaten!" posted Adventures in Paradise Cruises on social media. (Adventures in Paradise and Liz Schweitzer )


They said, "It could be to size up or stun their prey, practice their hunting skills (especially juveniles), or it is just purely to have some fun!"

Though the dolphin spotted on camera is the only one seen, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) said they tend to travel in groups of four to seven in shallow waters. They're known for living both onshore and offshore along tropical coasts. 

In Florida, FWC officials said there are several dolphin species, but the most common is the bottle-nosed dolphin.