Watch: Tesla windshield smashed by mysterious flying fish

You can see a large fish fall from the sky in New Jersey, bounce off a Tesla windshield and fly into a garage. The windshield was left shattered by the impact.

ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N.J. – Well, someone has quite a fish tale to tell their insurance company.

Jeffrey Levine told Storyful that he and his wife were at their New Jersey home on Sunday when they heard their Tesla’s car alarm go off. But there was no burglar.

"When we went to look, the windshield was completely shattered and my wife noticed what looked like fish skin and blood splattered on the glass," he told Storyful.

Sure enough, the Tesla’s dashcam video helped tip the scales toward the aquatic perpetrator. You can see a large fish fall from the sky, bounce off the windshield and fly into their garage.

The windshield was left shattered by the impact.

The Levine’s prevailing theory is that the fish was dropped by a bird that had plucked its catch from a nearby bay.