Watch: Dragonflies swarm Rhode Island beach

Video from Saturday at Misquamicut State Beach shows sunbathers relaxing before the dragonflies flood the already crowded beach.

WESTERLY, R.I. – Beachgoers in Rhode Island were just looking for a relaxing Saturday afternoon before a swarm of dragonflies took over, sending people to shelter under their tents and towels. 

Video from Saturday in Westerly at Misquamicut State Beach shows sunbathers relaxing before the dragonflies flood the already crowded beach.

Screaming and shouting can be heard as the insects zoom past. Others ran to try to shelter from the swarm.

Michael Grover called it a "dragonfly apocalypse" as he shot this video of them invading the beach. 

Entomologists say that dragonflies migrate as early as July and continue through October.

"Large groups will move south from Canada and the northern U.S. to Mexico and the Gulf coast. As they migrate, they will frequently stop to feed, and the journey can take several weeks. Cold fronts will also help propel them southward," biologists at the University of Illinois said about dragonfly migration in 2022.
