See it: Funnel cloud photobombs Nebraska newlyweds

There are no records of a tornado on July 20 near Norfolk, but the photos show a clear funnel cloud spinning toward the ground behind the newlyweds.

NORFOLK, Neb. – A Nebraska photographer was in the right place at the right time with a newlywed couple when a funnel cloud began forming in the background, turning the photo shoot into a storm chaser's dream. 

Traveling wedding photographer Alyssa Wallace said the weather played a big part in the couple's July 20 wedding in Norfolk.

"It was a perfect wedding day … it was a photographer's dream. It felt cool. It was a little cloudy, so it really made those colors pop. And, right after the ceremony, we had a really unique experience," Wallace said. "The couple was walking out of the ceremony and everybody was getting ready to blow bubbles towards them, and rain started pouring down the second they walked out of the church. And it was an incredible moment."

However, the biggest weather moment happened when Wallace was photographing the bridal party. Wallace was photographing the group on a street in Norfolk when one of the groomsmen noticed the funnel forming.


"I'm pretty sure my words were, ‘We need to stop this trolley right now and get out there.' And I ran out there. As Nebraskans, we sure love our tornadoes and our dramatic weather," she said.

The couple agreed to take some photos and Wallace positioned them to capture the powerful weather event behind them. 

There are no records of a tornado on July 20 near Northfolk, but the photos show a clear funnel cloud spinning toward the ground.

This isn't Wallace's first encounter with severe weather photography. In April, she photographed some of the ominous clouds ahead of the deadly Elkhorn tornado, the strongest Nebraska tornado in a decade. She also captured some of the damage after the EF-3 tornado.

Wallace said it was a magical moment as a Nebraskan to capture the beautiful weather phenomenon. She even joked about turning her talents toward storm chasing. 


"What a dream," she said. "I think probably ever since I was a little girl and I saw the first movie of ‘Twister’, and I think that might be my future path."

It might be a coincidence, but the new "Twisters" movie premiered the day before the wedding.