See it: Semi jackknifes along icy Little Rock interstate as winter storm rages
Video by StormRunner Media shows the semi losing control as it was heading along Interstate 430 in Little Rock Thursday evening.
Semi jackknifes along icy Little Rock interstate as winter storm rages
A semi-truck had a close call on the snowy I-430 highway in Little Rock, Arkansas Thursday as it skidded into the traffic barrier.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Slick roads amid a winter storm left a semi truck dangerously spinning across the lanes of an Arkansas highway as a trailing storm tracker’s cameras were rolling.
Video by StormRunner Media shows the semi losing control as it was heading along Interstate 430 in Little Rock on Thursday evening.
"Woah! Woah! Woah!" the driver behind the semi can be heard on the video.
The cab then crashed into one of the shoulder guardrails.
"Just had a guy wreck out in front of me," the driver is then heard telling his fellow storm trackers on the radio.
The semi driver then struggles to turn the truck back the correct way.
Snowfall totals around Little Rock ranged from 6-10 inches by Friday morning as the major storm swept across the Lower Mississippi Valley.