How popular delivery service DoorDash manages operations in severe weather

DoorDash uses real-time weather data to temporarily adjust operations to alert and protect app users during severe weather -- whether they are restaurant operators, delivery workers or customers.

As hurricane season begins, food delivery service DoorDash will lean on a unique program to keep drivers and customers safe during severe weather

The company will use real-time weather data to temporarily adjust operations to alert and protect app users - whether they are restaurant operators, delivery workers or customers.

"We know that weather can be a challenge not just for us, but for those workers out there every day," said Taylor Bennett, global head of public affairs for DoorDash. "So keeping them out of harm's way and making sure that everyone is safe during emergencies is really the primary goal with it."

Since launching last June, DoorDash has activated its Severe Weather Protocol (SWP) 15 times – temporarily adjusting or suspending operations in an area experiencing severe weather, such as hurricanes, blizzards, flooding, wildfires and tornadoes

"Over the last year, we've seen weather get more severe and more frequent and extreme," Bennett said. "It really kind of encouraged us to think harder about our role and what we can do to mitigate such risk for Dashers the entire community."


DoorDash said they can send notices to Dashers with practical tips on how to stay safe in conditions or just simply warn them of active weather in the area.

"We can do pickup only where there won't be delivery, but customers can still pickup at stores and then up to full suspensions when we will shut down markets where things are really severe," Bennett said. "The goal there is just to make sure that everyone is safe. We don't put anyone into harm's way."

To help small businesses impacted by natural disasters, DoorDash also launched their Restaurant Disaster Relief Fund, which provides them with up to $10,000 in grants to cover operating costs.