How many calories does shoveling snow burn? Check this handy calculator

For example, a person weighing 180 pounds shoveling snow with intensive effort for one hour can be considered a rigorous workout, burning approximately 600 calories -- on par with an hour of ice skating! But don't over-exert yourself.

Snow shoveling may not be everyone's favorite activity, especially when you wake up to find your home's driveway covered. 

However, the winter task could be an intensive workout that burns calories.  Omni Calculator provides a free online calculator to calculate the number of calories burned during a workout. 

The result will vary based on your weight. But for example, a person weighing 180 pounds shoveling snow with intensive effort for one hour can be considered a rigorous workout, burning approximately 600 calories. This calorie burn is similar to that of a full hour of ice skating. 

The calculator also has different options to calculate calories whether you're going at an intense or more leisurely pace, or even if you're using alternate methods of getting rid of the snow such as pushing a snow blower instead. 


But shoveling snow doesn't just help burn calories. Physical activity, like shoveling snow by hand, can have positive effects on mental health. Just like any other physical activity, shoveling snow for at least 30 minutes can trigger the release of endorphins in the brain.

Snow shoveling can also become much easier if you know how to do it properly. The key is to have a plan in place. By knowing how to tackle the process ahead of time, snow shoveling becomes less stressful and much easier to manage.

When shoveling snow, it is important to prioritize your health and use the correct technique. Make sure the shovel has a long enough handle that you don't have to bend over to reach the snow.

When you start shoveling, grip near the shovel blade to keep it close to you when lifting the snow. That will reduce the strain on your back. And always remember to bend your knees and lift with your legs.

You also want to make sure you clear snow in sections or make a first pass if it's still snowing. Start shoveling from the opening of your driveway, and toss snow out entirely, according to Home Depot. However, be careful not to throw snow on plants and ensure that snow and ice aren't covering the vent to your dryer to prevent a fire hazard.


Home Depot suggests shoveling in the direction of the wind, if possible, to make the task easier and safer. 

You should also shovel smaller amounts of snow to avoid putting too much strain on your body. According to the American Journal of Emergency Medicine, more than 11,000 people seek medical attention for injuries associated with snow removal every year.

While most people suffer from back injuries or hyperthermia, cardiac-related hospital visits were the most concerning and accounted for all deadly accidents, researchers found. 

You should consider taking a break after 20 to 30 minutes, especially when it's heavy, wet snow. And be sure to drink plenty of water and stay hydrated while you're shoveling snow.