Cadets on Texas A&M training ship save 3 people stranded at sea for 15 days
“I’ve had 20-plus years at sea, and I’ve only experienced one other incident such as this," said Capt. Wade Howell, master of the academy’s training ship.
FILE – Video of Coast Guard spotting 8 people clinging to a cooler in Gulf of Mexico
Eight people along the Florida coast are lucky to be alive after their 28-foot boat sank in the Gulf of Mexico, triggering a crew from the Coast Guard to perform an aerial rescue operation.
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – A group of Texas A&M students recently implemented their maritime training by carrying out a rescue mission, saving the lives of three people stranded in the Gulf of Mexico for 15 days.
While traveling from Texas to Florida on the Texas A&M Maritime Academy's training ship, cadets William Flores and Kai Ethridge spotted the vessel near daybreak Saturday during their morning watch.
"Shortly after sunrise, a small black object was spotted in the distance. Maintaining a close watch, I could see the shape of a small vessel through my binoculars as we got closer," Ethridge said. "We passed the vessel on our starboard side, and all of a sudden, three heads popped out of the small craft and started waving."
Capt. Wade Howell, master of the academy’s training ship, began rescue protocols in conjunction with the U.S. Coast Guard.

Texas A&M University students aboard the TS Kennedy in the Gulf of Mexico rescued three people from a stranded vessel over the weekend.
(Texas A&M Maritime Academy)
The three individuals received medical treatment and were then transferred to the Coast Guard on Sunday to be reunited with their families.
"I’ve had 20-plus years at sea, and I’ve only experienced one other incident such as this," Howell said.
The rare event took place on the 540-foot TS Kennedy, hosting its annual summer sea semester for 171 student cadets onboard in various Texas A&M degree programs.
"Being a part of something like this was an amazing experience," Flores said. "The actions of the captain and crew definitely saved the lives onboard."
Flores adds that he and other cadets will know what to do if they ever encounter a situation like this.
"Things could have gone a lot worse for all parties, but everything turned out OK in the end," he said.
The group of nearly 300 Texas A&M student cadets, faculty and crew aboard has resumed their voyage to Fort Lauderdale, Florida, for the first port stop of the semester.