US Severe Thunderstorm Warning map

FOX Weather's Severe Thunderstorm Warning Map can be a crucial resource for staying safe during severe weather events. At FOX Weather, we offer a detailed and up-to-date map of the United States, showing the latest severe storm threats in real time. Our map is designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to easily view the current and future storm threats in your area.

FOX Weather's Severe Thunderstorm Warning Map can be a crucial resource for staying safe during severe weather events. 

At FOX Weather, we offer a detailed and up-to-date map of the U.S., showing the latest severe storm threats in real time. Our maps are designed to be user-friendly, allowing you to easily view the current and future thunderstorm threats in your area.

Today’s thunderstorms

Are you one of the thousands, if not millions, under threat of severe weather across the U.S. today? 

Latest severe storm threat

Here's a look at the active weather alerts across the U.S. for today.
(FOX Weather)


Where are the storms now?

A six-hour radar loop showing where showers and thunderstorms are ongoing.
(FOX Weather)


Am I under a Severe Thunderstorm Warning?

Severe Thunderstorm Warnings are shaded in yellow on the map below. 

A warning is issued when severe weather is occurring and poses an immediate danger to life and property. If under such a warning, you should immediately take action. 

Severe Thunderstorm Warnings typically encompass a city or small county that may be impacted by a large hail or damaging wind identified by a National Weather Service forecaster on radar or by a trained spotter or law enforcement who is watching the storm.


Here's a look at the active weather alerts across the U.S. for today.
(FOX Weather)


What are the top wind and hail reports?

FOX Weather has looked at some severe weather statics for today, as well as the latest on lightning strikes and top wind and hail reports.

Here's a look at some severe stats for today from the FOX Forecast Center.
(FOX Weather)


How do I know if there is lightning near me?

FOX Weather's lightning tracker shows all the strikes reported in the last 15 minutes across the U.S.

Here's a look FOX Weather's lightning tracker.
(FOX Weather)


Where are the most power outages?

FOX Weather power outage tracker show top outages in the U.S.
(FOX Weather)


Tomorrow’s thunderstorms

Are you one of the thousands, if not millions, under threat of severe weather across the U.S. tomorrow?

Severe storm threat outlook for tomorrow

Here's a look at the active weather alerts across the U.S. for tomorrow.
(FOX Weather)


Future radar forecast next 24 hours

Here's the FOX Model Futuretrack looking at where storms might be possible 24 hours from now.
(FOX Weather)


Next day’s thunderstorms

Are you one of the thousands, if not millions, under threat of severe weather across the U.S.?

Severe storm threat outlook for 2 days from now

Here's a look at the active weather alerts across the U.S. two days from now.
(FOX Weather)


Future radar forecast next 36 hours

Here's the FOX Model Futuretrack looking at where storms might be possible 36 hours from now.
(FOX Weather)


Need more weather? Check your local forecast plus 3D radar in the FOX Weather app. You can also watch FOX Weather wherever you go using the FOX Weather app at or on your favorite streaming service

You can share your weather pictures and videos with us anytime, anywhere, by emailing them to or adding the hashtag #FOXWeather to your post on your favorite social media platform.
