Bryan Norcross: Tropics to go quiet after Gulf disturbance moves into Mexico

Once this disturbance dissipates, nothing appears to be in the pipeline. A series of tropical disturbances from Africa have spread across the Atlantic, but the conditions there are not yet conducive for development.

Updated Sunday at 10 a.m. ET

The low-pressure system we've been tracking in the extreme southern Gulf of Mexico will move over the coastline today. There's still a slight chance it could turn into a tropical depression before it goes inland, but it looks unlikely.

Heavy tropical rain is already affecting the areas around and north of Tampico, Mexico. Flooding and mudslides in the higher elevations are possible. Broadly speaking, Mexico is desperate for rain, so this isn't all bad. But in some areas, they're getting too much all at once. 

Drier air is already pushing into South Texas, which will limit the northern extent of the deep tropical moisture. The onshore flow continues across the Gulf of Mexico, however, so minor nuisance coastal flooding is still possible around high tide.

Once this disturbance dissipates, nothing appears to be in the pipeline. A series of tropical disturbances from Africa have spread across the Atlantic, but the conditions there are not yet conducive for development. 

No tropical development is expected for the next week, at least.
