The Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather: Flash flooding threat targets St. Louis

Start your day with the latest weather news – A large swath of Missouri faces the risk of flash flooding as storms dump heavy rain across the Show Me State.

Welcome to the Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather. It’s Wednesday, Aug. 2, 2023, and National Ice Cream Sandwich Day. Start your day the right way with everything you need to know about today's weather. You can also get a quick briefing of national, regional and local weather whenever you like with the FOX Weather Update podcast.

St. Louis in heart of flash flood threat

Thunderstorms with heavy rain are moving across Missouri. Some of them are training, which means storms are moving over the same area multiple times. The result is several inches of rain in a short amount of time, raising concerns about flooding. St. Louis is included in the "very likely" flash flood risk area outlined for Wednesday.

No end in sight for heat dome baking southern US

Heat alerts continue for millions of people in the southern U.S. as a sprawling area of high pressure continues dominating the weather and creating an unrelenting heat dome. Long-term weather models don’t show a significant change to the pattern, meaning the heat wave will last for at least a week.

California’s largest wildfire of year burns thousands of acres

The York Fire has grown to be the largest wildfire in California this year and has consumed more than 80,000 acres of the Mojave National Preserve. Firefighters began making progress on the blaze Tuesday.

Hurricane HQ: Invest 96L faces tough road in Atlantic while Hurricane Dora spins in Pacific

Invest 96L in the Atlantic has seen a steady drop in chances that it will develop into something more substantial. In the Eastern Pacific, Hurricane Dora is spinning through open waters off the coast of Mexico.

Bonus reads

Before you go, here are a few stories that might interest you.

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