The Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather: Cold front sweeping US could create severe storms

Start your day with the latest weather news – A strong cold front that is moving across the country the rest of the week could bring with it heavy rain and severe weather.

Welcome to the Daily Weather Update from FOX Weather. It’s Thursday, May 18, 2023, and International Museum Day. Start your day the right way with everything you need to know about today's weather. You can also get a quick briefing of national, regional and local weather whenever you like with the FOX Weather Update podcast.

Strong storms possible as potent cold front sweeps country

A cold front traversing the country the rest of this week could bring with it the potential for heavy rain and severe thunderstorms. The strongest of Thursday’s storms will be concentrated in the Upper Midwest and in parts of Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico. Tornadoes, damaging wind and hail are possible with severe storms in these areas.

Friday’s forecast features an increased risk of severe weather in Texas, Oklahoma and Arkansas.

Things to know

Texas man killed, son critically injured by lightning strike

The family of a Texas boy is praying for a miracle as he fights for his life after being struck by lightning earlier this week. The boy’s father, who was walking his children home from the bus stop, was killed by the strike. "We're holding onto our faith and holding together," the boy’s grandmother said.

Mount St. Helens erupted 43 years ago today

On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens exploded to life, claiming the lives of 57 people in what remains the largest volcanic eruption in U.S. history.

Scientists discovered something was up more than two months before the eruption – See the day-by-day rundown reliving those anxiety-ridden weeks released by the USGS.

WMO: Next 5 years could be hottest on record for Earth

The effects of El Niño and climate change will likely make the next five years the hottest on record for Earth, according to a report by the World Meteorological Organization. The planet may also flirt with or reach one of the climate-change thresholds during that period – 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) above pre-industrial levels.

Bonus reads

Before you go, here are a couple of stories we think you might enjoy.

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