More than 100 found alive on list of Maui unaccounted with hundreds still missing, FBI says

The number of those still missing stretches into the hundreds, leaving the Hawaiian community in despair and uncertainty as they anxiously await news of their loved ones.

MAUI, Hawaii – More than 100 people have been confirmed safe in Maui a day after authorities disclosed a mounting list of those who were yet to be accounted for following the devastating wildfire that ripped through Lahaina.

However, the number of those still missing stretches into the hundreds, leaving the Hawaiian community in a state of despair and uncertainty as they anxiously await news of their loved ones.


During a news conference on Friday, Maui Police Chief John Pelletier said recovery efforts are at 99% as crews have finished up with the urban search and rescue efforts. He also said since releasing a verified list of 388 names that "hundreds of contacts" have come in.

"That's great news for those that come off the list, and it's heartbreaking for those that don't," he added. "It is a double-edged sword. We knew that, but we want to make sure we're giving everybody every chance to help get through this."


The FBI's Honolulu field office helped provide the verified names of those still missing. Steven Merrill, the special agent in charge, expressed his gratitude to those who have provided additional information via phone and email.

"Thank you to everyone who's reached out," he said. "It has enabled us to quickly, and I say that within 24 hours that list came out last night, get 100 people or more off of that list. They were found safely reported to be safe and sound."

Merrill emphasized that there are still hundreds of names on the list that need more information, and the 388 names in question are just a part of it. 

"Of these thousands of reports, we have been able to find at least two thirds of them already to be safe and sound, and that is a success," Merrill said. "But again, doesn't diminish the fact that we're still looking for many other people."


Authorities in Maui have found over 1,700 people who were previously reported missing. The death toll from the fire has reached 115, and officials warn that the number may increase as more information becomes available.

Officials warn that although it is considered a positive development, identifying the individuals listed may take several days or even weeks to complete.

"The people of Maui County had suffered greatly, and they continue to do so. But their spirit lives on, and they are the most incredible people on this planet," Pelletier said. "We cannot tell them thank you, and we cannot tell them we love them." 

Names of those still missing in Maui

    Updated Aug. 25, 2023

    If you recognize a name on the list and know the person to be safe, or if you have additional information about the person that may help locate them, please contact the FBI at 808-566-4300 or as soon as possible.

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