Texas breaks another power record over the weekend; conservation requested Monday
ERCOT says Texas will have sufficient power generation to last through the summer months
ERCOT asking Texans to conserve power
The company sent out an appeal to customers to voluntarily conserve electricity on Monday between 2-8 p.m.
After days of record-setting heat, Texas continues to set power records.
Representatives from the Electric Reliability Council of Texas tell FOX Weather on Sunday that the state set new records Friday and Saturday.
"Yesterday, ERCOT unofficially set another new all-time weekend peak with 77,359 MW," ERCOT said. "The all-time peak and July peak records were set Friday, July 8th with 78,204 MW."
These break the previous all-time peak of 77,460 megawatts that occurred earlier in the week on Tuesday, July 5.
The company sent out an appeal to customers to voluntarily conserve electricity on Monday between 2-8 p.m. ERCOT has made this request more than four dozen times since 2008 to manage grid operations when the forecast power reserves could fall below 2,300 MW for at least 30 minutes.
In May, ERCOT stated that they would have adequate electricity even though there would be high demand.
And even though cities like San Antonio have had more than 30 consecutive days of temperatures above 100 degrees, the agency still says they will have enough capacity to serve peak demands.

"ERCOT projects sufficient generation to meet forecasted demand at this time," ERCOT said Sunday.
They anticipated a summer 2022 peak demand of 77,317 megawatts at the beginning of the summer but continue to surpass the wattage.
"ERCOT will continue to deploy all available tools to manage the grid reliably and coordinate closely with the Public Utility Commission, generation resource owners and transmission utilities," ERCOT said.
ERCOT has been the subject of reviews and widespread criticism after a winter storm disrupted the power grid, leaving some residents without heat for days.
Since the event, ERCOT leaders have said work has made the grid more reliable and better able to handle disruptions.
Texas doesn't look to cool down anytime soon. Temperatures will again reach 100 degrees or more to start the workweek.

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