What is a Hunter’s Moon?
The Hunter's Moon isn't the only celestial event this week that's getting sky watchers excited
Stargazers are in for a beautiful display of the Hunter’s Moon this week – if you’re lucky enough to have clear conditions at night.
The Hunter’s Moon is the first full moon after the Harvest Moon and usually falls in October or early November.
This year’s Hunter’s Moon will reach its peak illumination Wednesday at 10:56 a.m. EDT, which means it will be below the horizon. But don’t worry. You’ll still be able to see it after sunset.
So how did the Hunter’s Moon get its name? It’s believed that farmers would turn to hunting after the harvest to prepare for the winter. And the bright light from the full moon would allow them to hunt well into the evening.
It's not the only celestial event this week that's getting sky watchers excited.
The annual Orionid meteor shower peaks Wednesday and Thursday, but it could be a bit harder to see because of the brightness of the full Hunter’s Moon.
The Orionids can be observed between September and November, but the show is the best in October. And at its peak, 10-20 meteors per hour could be seen.
Places like Chicago, Atlanta and Houston could have some considerable cloud cover, which would be a problem for those who wish to check out the moon. The areas around New York City have the best chance of seeing the full Hunter's Moon in all its glory early Thursday.