Fahrenheit vs Celsius: Converting temperatures to understand weather around the world
Converting temperatures can be easy if you know the math formula
Most countries around the world use Celsius to measure temperature while some, like the United States, still use Fahrenheit.
In Fahrenheit, the freezing point of water is 32 degrees and the boiling point is 212 degrees.
With Celsius, the freezing point is 0 degrees and the boiling point is 100 degrees.
So, while most of us here in the U.S. would see a Celsius temperature of 32 degrees and think "that seems cold," that temperature converts to 90 degrees Fahrenheit - a relatively hot day.

Here's a simple way to convert temperatures from Fahrenheit to Celsius or Celsius to Fahrenheit.
So, if most of the world uses Celsius, how can we convert those temperatures into Fahrenheit to better understand the weather?
Using the formula above you can easily convert a temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius or the other way around.
Let's say the high temperature for your location was 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and you're looking to convert it to Celsius. Here's how to do it:
(F - 32) / 1.8 = Celsius
(60 - 32) / 1.8 = 15.6
So, 60 degrees Fahrenheit would convert to 15.6 (15.555 to be exact) degrees Celsius.
What about converting from Celsius to Fahrenheit?
Let's say you're heading to Paris and wondering what to wear when you arrive? If the temperature in Paris was 23 degrees Celsius you can use the formula above to understand the temperature in Fahrenheit.
(C x 1.8) + 32 = Fahrenheit
(23 x 1.8) + 32 = 73.4
So when you're arriving in Paris, plan on a temperature around 73 degrees.
You can also estimate temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Just double the temperature in Celsius and add 30 to get a general idea of the temperature in Fahrenheit. Let's say your current location was 25 degrees Celsius:
C x 2 + 30 = Fahrenheit
25 x 2 + 30 = 80