Excited photographer captures lightning striking Toronto's CN Tower 6 times
Toronto resident Dilshad Burman tweeted that she always wanted to catch lightning hitting the city's 1,815-foot CN Tower on camera. So when a thunderstorm rolled through Tuesday night, she set up her camera on a tripod on her balcony and was rewarded with an amazing shot.
Lightning strikes Toronto's CN Tower 6 Times
Six different lightning strikes were caught on video striking Toronto's CN Tower on Sept. 14. (Courtesy: Dilshad Burman / Storyful)
TORONTO -- What's more exciting than capturing lightning striking a skyscraper?
How about watching it get hit six times!
Toronto resident Dilshad Burman tweeted that she always wanted to catch lightning hitting the city's 1,815-foot CN Tower on camera. So when a thunderstorm rolled through Tuesday night, she set up her camera on a tripod on her balcony and was rewarded with an amazing shot.
"YEEES! I got it!" she shouted on camera.
And then lightning struck again.
And again. Each time eliciting an even more excited response.
In all, lightning hit the tower six times in 20 minutes, Burman said.
It's been a rough week for North American skyscrapers and lightning. On Monday,
was struck at least eight times in 45 minutes.